Canceled Ephrata Biker Breakfast

Eisenhauer's Chesapeake Harley Davidson 4600 Thunder Ct, Darlington, MD

Bikes and all you can eat breakfast......what more could you ask for? Join us for the First Sunday Breakfast hosted by American Legion Post 429 in Ephrata, PA. This event…


Progressive Dinner Ride

Eisenhauer's Chesapeake Harley Davidson 4600 Thunder Ct, Darlington, MD

The Progressive Dinner Ride has for years been an annual favorite! CUT OFF for sign up is now JUNE 3. SIGN UP TODAY!! The Progressive Dinner Ride traditionally involves a…

23rd Annual C.O.P.S Ride

Eisenhauer's Chesapeake Harley Davidson 4600 Thunder Ct, Darlington, MD

MD Chapter of Concerns of Police Survivors This is not a Chesapeake HOG ride, but many members will be participating and the ride departs from our dealership. Riders Escorted to…


Old Glory Primary Event | MDAMRA Event

Hickory Royal Farms 2201 Jack Ln, Bel Air, MD

Laurel, MD We are working on finalizing the event.  More details coming soon. Please stay tuned! Depart Dealership KSU 8:30PM Lead RC - Matt Scarff  

Stoudtburg Village

Eisenhauer's Chesapeake Harley Davidson 4600 Thunder Ct, Darlington, MD

Have you ever dreamed of visiting a German village but couldn't afford a trip to Europe? Here is your chance! Mike is leading us to Stoudtburg Village in Adamstown, PA…