Welcome to the home of
Chesapeake HOG Chapter #4355

If you are looking to find a group that is well-established and safe to ride with, you’ve found us. We are a diverse group of over 150 motorcycle riding enthusiasts connected by our shared interest in riding Harley-Davidson motorcycles. We focus on safe and fun riding.  We also ride for charities that are near and dear to our hearts. Come to a meeting and check us out. We meet the second Wednesday of every month at 7 pm at the Darlington Volunteer Fire Company, 2600 Castleton Rd, Darlington. Feel free to email us with any questions you may have.

2024 Total Miles by the chapter
2025 YtD Miles by the chapter

Upcoming Rides & events

Do you have the H-D app loaded on your phone? This March, we challenge you to ride 250 miles and check-in at 3 dealerships. This challenge lets you ride any route you like and check in at any Harley-Davidson Dealership shown in the app. Completion of this challenge will earn you a custom digital coin inspired by our 2025 Sportster S.

The link to participate in monthly Challenges is on the H-D app: https://www.harley-davidson.com/us/en/content/h-d-app.html

what we do

our missions

Chapter Rides

Chesapeake HOG Chapter #4355 regularly organizes ride suitable for bikes and trikes. Our rides range from short, local routes, to interstate travel. And, many times, involve ice cream.


The Chapter has monthly meetings to not only organize the upcoming events but to inform and educate our members on safety and riding skills. We support our members to be better riders.


The Chapter holds fundraising events throughout the year building towards our Christmas initiatives. At Christmas time each year, the Chapter "adopts" a number of families to provide food, clothes and school supplies as well as toys for the kids.

our team

Meet our Officers

matt scarff
Jay Bradley
assistant director
walt hilsbos
Jerry Minakowski
chapter secretary
ryan weintzweig
head road captain
mike hoeck
membership officer
doug jones
MDAMRA events coordinator
Lynn Davis
HOG ride 365 coordinator
bob cooley
safety officer
pam kolscher
sunshine girl
Connie Terry
Activities Officer
chuck lloyd
tag officer

WHAT our members SAY