41 degrees and sunny for our Secret Santa delivery.

We were able to spread some Christmas cheer to 5 families and 17 children who extremely appreciated the charity. We had 10 motorcycles 12 riders 12 vehicles on an absolutely beautiful 40 degree sunny day, ride the 92 mile loop. Finished up with lunch at Steelfish Grill with 28 HOG buddies. This was a GREAT DAY …

Secret Santa 2022 - A warm feeling on a chilly December day!

Secret Santa is one of the marquee events of our Chapter.  Each year, the Chapter “adopts” several families in need.  We get the names of the kids, clothing sizes, grades and other information to tailor our help to each family individually.

In 2022, we delivered food, clothing, school supplies, and – of course – new toys for each child. Each family received a fresh turkey, except for one.  That family was living in a motel room and had no way to cook a turkey, so they got a fresh cooked ham.

Each year, the Chapter does several fund raising events from which the funds are used to underwrite the Secret Santa event.  Families are suggested by local social services organizations or churches.

Chapter members volunteer to do the shopping for clothing and toys with the funds raised.  There is a donation sleigh set up at the Chesapeake Harley Davidson dealership where anyone can donate non-perishable food.  Chapter members organize the gifts for each family and hold a wrapping party.

The weekend before Christmas, we loaded up the gifts in member pickup trucks and rode to deliver the gifts to each family.  Santa and the Grinch led the way!  The Grinch on a Harley is a sight to see!

I ask the Lord to spread his blessings upon you ALL. Especially the Clayton family for their kind donation.


It’s hard to describe the emotional experience of the Secret Santa delivery ride.  It is clear that the families were surprised, touched and very appreciative.  It feels good, even humbling, to be a part of something that truly impacts the lives of others.  The combined effort of so many members throughout the year pays off on that afternoon ride.

And the group luncheon afterwards is always fun. The spirit of the season with good friends.